Going green benefits your home and your health, as well as leaving a minimal impact on the environment. Simple changes in your home can make it energy-efficient and reduce your electricity bill. Keep reading to discover some simple ways to conserve energy in the home.
Switch to a solar water heater to heat your pools, showers, hot tubs and kitchen faucets to save money. Both natural gas and electricity are inefficient heating methods, while solar water heaters use the sun to constantly heat your water. Although some of these systems cost more initially, many qualify for tax credits or deductions.
Saving energy and money is as simple as closing your curtains. Adding some window coverings can also help. Less heat will be allowed in, and your summer air conditioner costs will be greatly reduced with just these two simply steps You will save money and energy at the same time.
Putting in solar panels in your home for solar energy is easy. There are several things that should be considered prior to installing solar panels. The most important consideration is how much your home is exposed to sunlight. You are not going to get much solar power if your home has too much shade.
Do you live on a farm? If you have a lot of land, energy companies will pay you for the right to set up a wind turbine on it. The energy generated can benefit your entire area without taking up much room.
Discover all the different sources of energy in your community. Find out what the cost would be to switch, how much it would cost to maintain, and whether your government has any legislation regarding its use. It may be beneficial to switch from electric heat to natural gas heat, or from city water to well water, for example.
When not using things, turn them off. Upon leaving a particular room, remember to turn of the lights, television, computer or even the entertainment center. If you run your electronics through a power strip, you can turn everything off in that room with one switch.
Think about how much sun your home gets during winter months to help you figure out how much solar energy you need to power your home. This will prevent any unpleasant surprises during the winter months, while leaving you safely ahead of your needs during the summer. If you’re using a type of net usage plan, you’ll receive money back during the summer from your utility company for energy you’re generating!
Install batteries very close to cells when you are putting together a solar energy system. This prevents energy from dissipating in a long cable. This can reduce chances of cables shading cells and reducing capabilities.
When a home has stormed windows and doors, air flows better. This is because storm windows and doors prevent drafts, which means less cold air enters the home. Energy efficiency increases by 45% in houses that contain stormed windows and doors, which could save you lots of money when it comes to electricity.
Take advantage of any federal or local rebates that you may be entitled to receive. Sometimes, you will find that a local utility company can give a rebate for the total price of the upgrades. You may also qualify for tax credits or deductions from your state or from the federal government. These tax savings can reduce the net cost of installing alternative energy technology considerably.
As this article previously stated, being green doesn’t need to be time consuming or expensive. Small changes in your own home can make a big difference. Apply the tips laid out here and share them, so you can start to see improvements to the environment.